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2 Ways To Inject More Passion Into Your Relationship


After the initial dating phase, where everything about your new partner seems lined in a golden sheen, you find yourselves losing some of that sparkle. It’s natural, and all long-term couples face this problem. The ones who survive are the ones who figure out how to inject more passion into their relationship, before it’s too late. Don’t let your relationship fizzle and die. Use these two tips to inject more passion into your relationship now.


Keep Dating


Many couples forget what made them attracted to their mates in the first place. Sometimes work or kids leave them with little time to grow as a couple and they move away from dating.


This can pose a serious problem for couples. It’s important to keep that spark alive by continuing to date. Whether it is once a week or once a month, it’s important to get some alone time with each other. This might mean getting a babysitter for an evening or putting overtime at the plant on hold. If your partner is worth it, don’t let the relationship grow stagnant and die.


Make Love In Weird Places


One great way to inject more passion into your relationship is to take your love making outside the bedroom. Make love in different rooms, in public places or places that you’d never normally think of as a hot-spot. Many couples fall into routine lovemaking. While there’s nothing wrong with routine, it’s always a good thing to add some spontaneity to the relationship.


Remember when you first met, and couldn’t keep your hands off of each other? That’s the kind of passion you want to recapture. Your partner wants to know that they’re still attractive, desirable and you can’t get enough of them. They want to feel like they still have it in them to drive you crazy with lust, with a glance or a touch. Flirt with each other and build the anticipation.


For most couples, it’s easy to fall into a rut. Taking each other for granted and doing the same thing over and over again, will lead most couples down the boredom highway. Every once in a while (as much as possible!) you need to hit the gas and swerve off that highway if you want your relationship to last. It’s not terribly difficult to inject more passion into your relationship and it can be a lot of fun.

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How To See Your True Partner


Most people keep their true selves hidden, especially when they want to impress someone. This fact has a way of biting people in the butts when dating. You meet a guy or girl, both are looking for a relationship, and it’s only natural that you want to show off your polished attributes while hiding your more tarnished side. After all, when you’re first meeting a possible romantic partner, you don’t want them to know that you roll your socks up into balls, or leave the toilet seat up after you’ve gone to the bathroom.


However, some people are better at hiding their true selves than others. Sometimes you can be in a committed relationship before you learn that your partner has some unsavory attributes that he or she had successfully kept hidden until now. While leaving the toilet seat up might be mildly annoying, the fact that your new live-in partner likes to punch holes in walls or fling ashtrays at your head when angry, isn’t something that can be passed off as annoying.


There are a few ways that you can test their personality before you commit. For instance, watch how they react when under stress. Most people can keep their true selves under wraps when everything is right in the world, but can’t maintain the mirage when under strain. Watch carefully how they react when angry, sad, annoyed or upset. In most cases, this is when their true colors will come shining through.


You can also watch how they treat the people around them. Does your new boyfriend treat his mom like a queen? Does your new girlfriend maliciously gossip about everyone when hanging out with her friends? If so, you can bet your bottom dollar that this is an indication of what they are like when not trying to impress someone.


You can also watch how they interact with strangers. Suppose you go out to a restaurant for a bite to eat, and the waiter brings them an order of shrimp, instead of the clams they originally ordered. Do they react angrily? Or do they just shrug it off, make a joke, and wait calmly for the waiter to fix their order? If they are a jerk over something so easily corrected, how are they going to be with you, if you screw something up? Everyone makes mistakes, but ideally you want a partner that’s going to be understanding, and not over-react.


The bottom line is, that people have a hard time pretending to be something they’re not, when the going gets rough. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and you want to make sure that when the going gets rough…your partner isn’t a jerk. By watching their actions and reactions before hand, you can spy out potential relationship ending problems that will crop up in the future.

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What You Can Get From Online Dating



Online dating is becoming one of the most popular services offered on the world wide web. According to Online Dating Magazine (2007), there 20 million people who would visit an online dating service or site in a month. About 31% of American adults are paying for an online dating service as stated in a project report released last March 2006 by Pew Internet and American Life. It’s no wonder that online dating has reached a financial growth of $642 million in 2008, according to Jupiter Research.


Why is it so popular? Some would say that they are able to build and meet relationship partners. But that is not the only reason why people are interested in visiting and becoming a member of different online dating sites and services. There may be risks, but there are still reasons why signing up for internet dating is a good idea for some.


• People tend to show how they really feel.


There are indeed some people who would make up things about themselves, post a magazine photo in their profile, lie about their identity but there are still some honest people on the net. Most people would easily and freely converse online, sharing their emotions and thoughts because they are not afraid of getting embarrassed. You get to know the “real” person.


Aside from that, it is also easier for you since you do not have to impress the person. You can be yourself. If they don’t like it and rejected you, then it is not outright embarrassing. Some users would say that fear of rejection is no longer a huge factor with online dating.


• Inexpensive


Let’s start with the fact that there are free online dating sites, although some would recommend that it may be better to get a paid service, security-wise. But it does not mean that free sites should be avoided, just be extra cautious with the amount of personal information you give online. It is more inexpensive compared with going out in dates.


• Safety and Security


Now, some people may raise an eyebrow. After all internet fraud and scams are prevalent. However, what’s great (also one of its risks) about the internet is anonymity. Giving away or providing your personal information like contact details, is of course, your own discretion. There are also some online dating sites which would perform background checks on their members.


If the person you are talking to showed inconsistencies with language and attitude and eventually finding out that they are not what you expect, you could stop chatting with them. If there are some suspicious people online, then you could always inform the site administrator or flag them.


• Meeting in Person

You do not have to rush and meet personally. You could take your time, getting to know each other more. This would make you feel more comfortable when you finally meet. Think about the awkward first dates and meeting. This is a perfect solution since you have already established a relationship or communication online. But never be too complacent, forgetting your safety and security. When dating people you have met online, it is better to meet them in the meeting area instead of asking them to pick you up or drop you off to avoid letting them know where you live.


Although, I have mentioned that honesty is important, it is still essential to protect yourself. Online dating could certainly provide you the opportunity to meet your soulmate, but it could also be a venue for scammers and frauds. You just have to play smart.

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Get the Best Web Hosting Plan

If and when you are interested in starting an online business, there are a lot of things that you have to study first before you can rightfully expect a high return on investment.

First, make sure that your company website has a user friendly interface which basically means links are visible, easily located and properly labeled and that the content provided in the website is complete, interesting, effective and grammatically correct.

There is the matter of search engine optimization or SEO which requires you to employ a number of strategies that your company website is heard and seen by the right people. Common search engine optimization strategies would be keyword listing, site code optimization and top search engine placement.

Optimize your plan by understanding web hosting. No matter how great your website looks or how effective your SEO strategies are, if you don*t have the right web hosting plan, none of those would see the light of the day because your web hosting plan simply prevents them from being properly uploaded and viewed.

Web hosting is important to your plans if you want your website to have its own niche in the Internet so do read carefully what we are about to teach you.

You have a couple of choices when it comes to web hosting – you can get it for free or you can spend for it. Naturally, it would be lovely if web hosting would be free for all of us but understand that all the needs of your company website must be met by the free web hosting plan if you want your future to look rosy.
These are key issues to address.

Are you willing to deal with advertisements that may take too much space or would have an irritable effect on your readers? These ads are often required by free web hosting plans because it the only reason they can continue letting people enjoy free web hosting.

Are you cool with low bandwidth access and minimal web space?

If you are not okay with the following facts I presented, then I suggest you go with a web consultant and let them handle all of your work.


4 Komentar

Membuat Teks Melingkar dengan Photoshop CS

Awalnya saya mau belajar Coreldraw. Saya mau belajar cara membuat teks melingkar. Saya sempat ragu apakah photoshop juga bisa membuat teks melingkar seperti yang saya inginkan. Setelah melakukan trial and error akhirnya alhamdulillah berhasil. Yuk langsung saja kita praktek bagaimana membuat tulisan melingkar dengan Photoshop CS.

1. Buka gambar pin yang sudah kita buat.

2. Sekarang kita perlebar ukuran kanvas agar kita bisa menuliskan kalimatnya. Klik menu Image>Canvas Size. Isikan Width: 10 cm dan Height: 10 cm. Enter.

3. Kita buat garis bantu . Oh ya lupa. Garis bantu sudah ada (itu yang berwarna biru). Jadi kita tinggal menggeser saja. Letakkan kursor tepat di ke empat garis bantu. Klik lalu drag masing-masing ke bagian luar lingkaran  sekitar 1.5mm.


4. Kita buat jalan (path) lingkar menggunakan Ellipse Tool. Tekan tombol U keyboard dan pilih Ellipse Tool (klik kanan Rectangle Tool lalu pilih Ellipse Tool ). Setelah itu

5. Tempatkan kursor tepat di sudut kiri atas garis bantu lalu klik drag ke bagian sudut bawah kanan garis bantu. Gambar akan tertutup warna hitam. Jangan khawatir! Isikan Fill: 0 maka gambar akan nampak.

6. Aktifkan Type Tool dengan menekan T keyboard. Kemudian letakkan kursor tepat di garis lingkaran. Ketik kata-kata yang kamu inginkan!

7. Agar posisi tulisan seimbang,  kita putar tulisan tersebut. Tekan Ctrl+T secara bersamaan. Kemudian letakkan pointer mouse ke sudut kanan atas. Setelah itu geser ke arah kiri sampai posisinya pas.

8. Bagian bawah masih kosong. Sekarang kita buat tulisannya. Kita salin dulu tulisan di atas. Klik menu Layer>Duplicate Layer. Kita balik salinan ini. Klik menu Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical.

Hasilnya seperti ini:

9. Kita edit tulisan ini dengan kata-kata yang lain. Blok dulu kalimat di atas lalu ketik kata yang kamu mau.

10. Masih belum pas. Kita edit sekali lagi. Buat dahulu garis bantu yang ke dua. Letakkan garis bantu tersebut tepat di ujung huruf seperti contoh di bawah ini

11. Aktifkan Elliptical Marquee Tool (masih ingat?). Klik drag mouse mulai dari ujung atas kiri garis bantu yang ke dua hingga ujung garis bantu bawah kanan  sambil tangan kiri menekan Shift.

12. Buat layer baru. Klik menu Edit>Stroke>ok.

13. kini tekan V keyboard. Lalu aktifkan layer bertuliskan I Love Paranesia pada pallet layer.

14. Klik drag keempat tanda kotak yang ada di tengah ke arah luar sampai garis (path) layer I Love…. sama dengan garis (path) layer Dayah Paramore…

15. Karena tulisan I Love…. mengalami pembesaran maka ukuran kedua tulisan itu tidak seragam. Jadi terakhir kita samakan ukuran fontnya. tulisan yang di atas menggunakan ukuran font 24. kita blok tulisan di bawah kemudian kita isikan ukuran fonnya: 24.

16. Supaya tulisan di bawah seimbang, letakkan kursor di depan tulisan lalu tekan spasi beberapa kali sampai pas.

2 Komentar

Membuat Gambar untuk Pinbadge (Bros) bagian ke-2

Kemarin kita sudah belajar membuat gambar untuk pin. Cara itu kita pakai untuk membuat gambar yang terdiri dari dua warna seragam ( seperti hitam putih, merah hitam dst.) Namun untuk membuat gambar yang full color, caranya berbeda, yaitu sbb.:

1. Buka file bingkai 7 cm. Buka pula gambar yang mau kita jadikan pinbadge (bros). Lalu seret gambar itu ke lembar kerja. Setelah itu layer gambar pin kita tempatkan ke bagian bawah dengan mengklik menu Layer>Arrange>Send to Back.


2. Aktifkan Rectangular Marquee tool (masih ingat caranya?). Buatlah seleksi seperti contoh. Kemudian  klik Move Tool.  Tarik ke atas bagian yang bertanda kotak di  tengah seleksi.


Hasilnya akan seperti ini:


3. Lakukan juga pada sisi kiri, kanan dan bawah gambar.


4.Setelah selesai, garis bantu (berwarna kuning) disembunyikan lalu di simpan file tersebut.


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Membuat Gambar untuk Pinbadge (Bros)

  1. Bukalah file bingkai pin 7 cm yang kemarin kita buat.
  2. Buka juga file yang akan kita jadikan  gambar untuk pin.
  3. Kita lihat apakah ukurannya lebih besar atau lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan lembar kerja. Caranya klik menu Image>Image Size. Ternyata lebih besar. Jadi kita samakan dulu agar pas. Pada kolom Width ganti dengan angka 7 Cm dan Height: 7cm serta Resolution: 200 px/inch.
  4. Tidak suka dengan warna tulisan hitam dan latar belakang putih? Kita bisa mrubahnya dengan cara klik menu Image>Adjustments>Invert.
  5. Lalu klik dan drag file tersebut ke lembar kerja. Jangan lupa aktifkan Move Tool terlebih dulu dengan menekan tombol V keyboard.
  6. Posisinya diatur supaya pas.
  7. Pindahkan layer gambar (BMTH) ke bawah. Klik Layer>Arrange>send to Back.
  8. ups kebesaran! Kita kecilkan gambarnya agar semua tulisan masuk ke dalam bingkai.
  9.  Arahkan  mouse pada bagian sudut kiri atas (sehingga  kursor berubah menjadi gambar panah pada kedua ujungnya). Sambil menekan tombol Shift keyboard, klik lalu tarik kedalam sampai seluruh gambar masuk kedalam lingkaran berwarna kuning. Lakukan hal yang sama pada bagian ujung kakan bawah. Kemudian atur posisinya dengan menggeser ke kiri, ke kanan, ke atas atau ke bawah sehingga posisinya pas.
  10. buat layer baru. klik menu Layer>New>Layer. Tekan enter. Isikan layer tersebut dengan warna hitam. Caranya klik menu Edit>Fill. (Jangan lupa atur warna  latar depan hitam dan warna latar belakang putih dengan cara menekan tombol D keyboars). Isikan Foregrounds  sebagai contentnsya.
  11. Letakkan layer yang baru kita buat ke bagian belakang. Layer>Arrange>Send to Back.
  12. Sembunyikan  garis bantu (lingkaran berwarna kuning) dengan cara mengklik layer ke dua pada pallet layer.

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Cara Membuat Template untuk Gambar Pin

Sebelum kita membuat pin, maka pertama-tama perlu kita buat templat yaitu berupa bingkai untuk gambar yang akan dibuat pin. Dengan cara ini kita besa menghemat waktu karena kita tidak harus memulai proses dari awal. Langkah-langkahnya sbb.:

  1. Buat lembar kerja baru. Klik File>New . Isikan Width: 7cm; Height: 7cm; Resolution: 200 dan Background Content: Transparent. Klik  ok.Image
  2. Apakah lembar kerja kamu memperlihatkan ukuran (rulers)? Jika belum tampilkan dengan mengklik menu  View>Rulers. Jadikan satuan centimeters sebagai satuan ukuran. Caranya klik kanan pada gambar rulers lalu centang Centimeters.Image
  3. Buatlah garis bantu yang akan memudahkan kita menempatkan gambar pada posisi yang kita kehendaki. Arahkan mouse pada rulers bagian atas sehingga cursor berubah menjadi gambar panah. Klik lalu drag ke bawah sejauh 6 mili dari atas. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk membuat garis bantu hingga 6 milli dari bagian bawah lembar kerja. Lakukan juga hal yang sama untuk membuat garis bantu di bagian sebelah kiri/kanan lembar kerja.Image
  4. Buatlah seleksi untuk membingkai gambar. Tekan tombol M keyboard Pilih elliptical marquee tool  Arahkan kursor pada bagian ujung atas sebelah kiri lembar kerja lalu seret ke bagian bawah kanan lembar kerja. Klik menu Select>Inverse.  Image
  5. Isikan bagian yang diseleksi dengan warna putih.Klik menu Edit>Fill  (pastikan warna foreground hitam dan setel warna background color sebagai content)
  6. Terakhir bikin layer baru dengan mengklik Layer>New>Layer. Klik ok. Kemudian arahkan kursor pada sudut atas kiri garis bantu (berwarna biru) Klik dan drag kea rah sudut kanan bawah lalu lepas. Setelah itu klik menu Edit>Stroke. Isikan warna sesuai selera dan width 1 px.

Tinggal disimpan file tersebut dengan nama: bingkai pin 7 cm dengan format psd